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Hey! Don't see the info you need below? Contact me!

The Most Frequently Asked Question

I've never hired a personal trainer. Why should I?

Have you had fitness goals for years?

That New Year's resolution for a six pack going on six years strong?

Maybe you're just tired of the same ol' workout?

You know you can feel better and be stronger but not sure how to get to the next level?

Or maybe you just need accountability?


No class, gym or generic workout plan you found on Instagram will work because they're not designed for YOUR needs.


A workout regime is not one size fits all. It's called 'Personal Training" for a reason, as you get a personalized workout plan to meet your goals, abilities, and preferences. ~ Emphasis on the preferences! ~ A workout should be fun, so why not lean into what you enjoy?! As your personal trainer, I will provide accountability, direction and instruction of a fun, custom plan that fits your needs.


All you need to do is Show Up and I'll help you get Positive Results. 


It's so much easier to reach goals with a team, right? I will be your coach, your cheerleader and your teammate. We’ll bring the energy, get you in shape and discover your super - together!

Other Frequently Asked Questions

Why Show Up Positive Results Personal Training with Daryl Marie?

It's all in the name! Show up to work with me, Daryl Marie, and we'll get you seeing the positive results! And because I will help you discover your Inner Super. 


Meet with me for a free consultation (which includes a 30 minute workout!) and you'll find out how!


If you're thinking "I don't have that time!" or "what the heck is my Inner Super!?' Read about Daryl Marie and discovering your Inner Super.

Do I need my own equipment?

Yup and nope! I will bring most of the equipment to you, if needed! I will curate the workout to use what equipment is available.


If you choose to workout in my studio, see below for a complete list of SUPR Studio's equipment.

I do ask that you have and use your own yoga mat (for hygienic reasons)!


If you book a multi-person session, individuals are expected to have equipment or share the sets we do have.

What equipment do you recommend if I do want my own?

Check these out! The basics that I prefer are:

3 different size dumbbells

1 kettlebell 

1 yoga mat (this is required!)

What equipment do you bring to me?

I will provide various weights, resistance bands, and a foam roller.

I do require our super trainees to have their own yoga mat, please!

Can I use my own equipment if I want to?

Of course! You do you!

What equipment do you have in Super's Studio? 

I have: kettlebells, dumbbells, squat rack, medicine balls, mini bands, full body resistance band, BOSU ball, slam balls, battle ropes, weight plates, bench, plyo jump box, and my newest addition - a rowing machine!!!


I am constantly growing and getting more! Next up, TRX straps!

I'm going on vacay but don't want to miss my sweat, can we do a virtual workout?

Heck yes! If you're out of town or just prefer to not be in person, contact me and we can set up a virtual option for you.

Equipment needed: At a minimum, just a workout/yoga mat! We can do A LOT with just body weight!

If you want to maximize your workout impact with weights or plan to continue your fitness journey to heavier sets, check out these recommendations!


Expectation of camera: need to be able to see full body or knees up the whole time. Please have the area well lit with enough space for full range movement. In our session, you may be asked to go sideways to check form. A mirror is recommended so you can learn about proper form and self-correct, especially if you will continue workouts on your own at other times. 

Do you train dudes or just dudettes?

I specialize in women's fitness, but I train everyone! I pride myself in being inclusive - all are welcome! 

OMG - I have to cancel! Now what?

Life happens! I am super understanding. One of my business values is flexibility (of the body and of life!) because I want to make health as easy as possible for YOU. Work stuff, kids stuff, maybe you're sick, maybe you're hungover - I get it!

Just let me know ASAP if you can't make your appointment and we'll reschedule! See more details on our Cancellation Policy page.

Do you have any hydration recommendations?

Heck yes! I used to work at nuun hydration!

What's a nuun? Low calorie, low sugar tablet with lots of electrolytes that you plop in water for better hydration! 

Pro tipnuun also helps with hangovers #balance & sign up for emails to get 20% off your first order 

FASHION EMERGENCY: I need new workout clothes. Any suggestions?

I gotchu, girlfriend! I rep for a women owned active wear company called ZYIA Active. Think Lululemon quality, without the huge price tag. Every purchase through my website supports ya girl, so I appreciate it so much! virtual hug! ZYIA is literally all I wear now lol.

Oh shoot dang - I forgot and missed my workout. Do you hate me?

OMG NO! I never hate my superstar clients! 


We're human - we forget things sometimes! Let's reschedule and get your workout ASAP :)


Until then, get some movement in!

I met my goals and don't think I need SUPR Personal Training anymore. Is that okay?!

WOO! You reaching YOUR GOAL is MY GOAL! 


I aim to equip you with the tools to maintain your health and wellness so that you don't need me - but I hope you still want to workout with me. 


Fly free if you're ready! (I will miss you!) But if you still want a little bit of SUPR in your life, let's get you on a less frequent schedule, or a monthly written plan - easy peezy! I can help you stay on track and keep you accountable.

What if I want to train with more than 3 of my friends? #popularprobs

Right now, I currently offer group workout sessions for up to 3 people. It's a lot harder to get that personalization in personal training when there are so many individuals. But hey, if you're cool with it, I could be cool with it. Let's chat! Maybe we can find a workout that can work for all.

Where do you train?

I serve Tacoma and the surrounding area within a 10 mile radius. Super's Studio is located in the backyard of my central Tacoma home. 

I'm also more than happy to meet you where you prefer to workout - whether that is in the comfort of your own home or the park next to your favorite coffee shop, or somewhere in between!

What is up with all this "super"?

It's what is in you! Your Inner Super! Which Show Up Positive Results (SUPR) Personal Training will help you discover.


And that's me! Daryl Marie! Nicknamed by my dad.

And that's you! All of my trainees are SUPER! Now shine on, baby! 

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